D.C.I. Bible Institute creates mutually beneficial opportunities for other Bible Schools or Colleges to affiliate with it, in the furtherance of training men and women across the globe for religious vocation.
To obtain affiliation, the interested school must meet the following criteria:
The school must be legally registered and authorized by the local government of that country and or state.
The School must have all legal documents in place that are also verifiable.
There must be a physical meeting location/office for the public to be able to contact.
If an online school, it must display all the necessary structures and systems needed for an online school.
The School's vision, goals and beliefs must align (in harmony with and mutually beneficial) with DCIBIN.
The school's curriculum must be evaluated by DCIBIN and approved.
The school's faculty must show proof of qualification according to their own standards.
The school must complete and submit annual affiliation procedure documentation.
The school must not be affiliated with any organization whose belief are against the word of God, or one involved in a vice or terrorist activities.
Benefits of Affiliation
Your school will be listed on the DCIBIN website for public recognition and verification.
Your school will receive a certificate of affiliation.
Your students will be able to transfer credits for continued studies at DCIBIN.
Students who graduate from your school's program may receive equivalent certification/conferment of diplomas/degrees from DCIBIN.
DCIBIN will organize matriculation for your school if requested.
Students can enroll in your school and also enroll in DCIBIN to earn academic credits and pursue Advanced Studies.
Students from your school can apply for ordination and licensing through our licensing arm; DCI Ministerial Network.
Affiliated Schools
These schools are affiliated with DCIBIN and are in good standing: TBA

You may contact our administration office for more information on our affiliate programs. Please email for information or assistance. You will be contacted within 24 to 48 hours hours after submitting your email request.