Here at DCIBIN, we take the conduct of our faculty, staff and students seriously. As a Christian institution we are held to a higher standard of life with regards to our morals. Our integrity speaks volumes about our faith walk and therefore it must reflect in our daily way of life.
Our staff and faculty have their employee/volunteer handbook which outlines our policies. For our students, we have put in place a comprehensive code of conduct that they must adhere to during their study at DCIBIN.
President's statement on code of conduct
The following committees have been set up to handle the oversight of our Honor Code:
The Student Honor Code Council: This is a body of 3 students who serve as the intermediary committee that manages any form of complaints and or violations before it escalates to the next level in the hierarchy of discipline.
Faculty Disciplinary Committee: It comprises of three faculty members (The Provost, Deputy Provost and Dean).
DCIBIN Executive Board: The Executive Board of DCIBIN is the highest council that oversees the enforcement of the school's honor code.
Student's handbook/code of conduct
Our student handbook outlines DCIBIN's expectations of its' students, policies and the code of conduct that students must go by.
When a student gets admitted to the school, he or she is required to read through the handbook and sign off to indicate they have received the handbook. It is the student's responsibility to thoroughly read through the handbook as ignorance of an existing policy or code of conduct is inexcusable.
Current enrolled students can download the student handbook/Code of Conduct from their E-lecta Library.
"Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;
Philippians 1:27