We are still following the command of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to GO into all the world, making disciples! If we don't go, how will they hear the word and get saved? Someone must be willing to Go to the uttermost parts of the world!

We are preparing those who have a specific call to Missions. We need in our generation, those who are willing to pay the price for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Missions can be local or international, whichever form it takes, we must focus on training missionaries to take the gospel to the whole world.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Romans 10:14
Missionary work has played a big role in the spread of Christianity in our world today. From the early church, the great apostles traveled the world preaching the gospel and planting churches. The fathers of faith in early church history traveled to far countries with the gospel, changing society and nations as missionaries. We must continue this in our generation!
The ADMS program at DCIBIN
The Advanced Diploma in Missions Studies at DCI Bible Institute is tailored to train missionaries for these end times. Students who pursue this program will be well prepared to deal with 21st century challenges in Missions and learn cutting edge tools and resources that will enable them to make twice the impact as they preach the gospel to nations. Students have the option of going on a mission trip to Ghana, West Africa for 6 to 8 weeks for their ministry practicum.