Pastor Michele Casseus
I graduated top of my class! Wow, I am the class of 2020 valedictorian.
When I joined this Bible School, I never imagined how profoundly enlightening it would be. To be able to learn the true depth of the Word of God and so many other things from the anointed lecturers here is amazing! There is a very strong anointing on the teachers here at DCIBIN that makes it a lot easier to learn and understand everything pertaining to and around the Gospel.
Every class reveals the Word of God in a way, I pray, that everyone could experience it. No matter how old or young, whether you want to be a doctor, a preacher, or just a better Christian, if your heart’s desire is to know more about Jesus Christ, then DCIBIN is the school for you.
Come to DCIBIN and I promise you, you’ll never be the same again. The Lord is here in this place, and He is moving with mighty power.
Pastor Michele Casseus
Calgary, Canada
Class of 2020

Prophetess Arimetha Smith
"I am very grateful to God for DCIBIN. The School of Prophets has equipped me with more knowledge in the Prophetic Ministry.
God used my instructors Prophet Richardson and Prophet Yeboah to teach me more about my ministry and how my life as a prophetess should be, being the oracle and mouth piece of God.
This Bible institute is the best school for all men and women of God who want to learn more about the things of God. I will recommend DCIBIN to others to pursue their ministry training."
Prophetess Arimetha Bintha Smith
Columbus, OH
Class of 2017

Rev. Emmanuel Appiah
"I have learned a lot from DCIBIN. I was a student in the School of Ministry and just earned my Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry.
One of our instructors, Rev. Philip is very knowledgeable of the word of God and really did an awesome job teaching us.
Our graduation was well organized too. Very impressed!"
Pastor Emmanuel K Appiah
Bronx, NY
Class of 2017

Lady Pastor Prisca A. Noah
My experience at DCIBIN has been very positive. I have grown and strive to walk in excellence not only in this institution but everywhere i find myself.
It can be a bit intimidating at first being surrounded and led by leaders and teachers who are driven to achieve great things for God. So proud to be an alumni!
Pastor Prisca Akuaku Noah
Cincinnati, OH
Class of 2017